ชวนเสนอบทความในงาน NCCIT2014

23 มกราคม 2557 ได้รับอีเมลชวนเสนอบทความในงาน NCCIT2014 อีกครั้งหนึ่ง
จาก คุณวัชรีวรรณ จิตต์สกุล [watchareewanj@hotmail.com]
ซึ่งผมสนใจส่ง paper เข้าร่วมนำเสนอหลายปีติดต่อกัน
ในกลุ่ม Information Technology and Computer Education
ว่าปีนี้จัดระหว่างพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 – ศุกร์ที่ 9 พฤษภาคม 2014
ที่ Angsana Laguna, Phuket
Call for paper NCCIT2014
The 10th National Conference on Computing and Information Technology (NCCIT2014)
8-9 May 2014 At Angsana Laguna, Phuket, Thailand by
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
NCCIT Areas of Interest
Conference Topics Include (but not limited to):
– Data Mining and Machine Learning:
Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Systems, Hybrid Systems, Evolutionary Computation, Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Transfer, Knowledge Management, Decision Support, Recommender Systems, Text Mining, and Web Mining.
– Data Network and Communication:
Computer Network, Security & Forensic, Wireless & Sensor Network, Telecommunication, Mobile Ad-Hoc Network, Cloud & Grid Computing, Decentralized computing, P2P networks, P2P protocols, and Semantic P2P networks.
– Human-Computer Interface and Image Processing:
Human Machine Interface, User Customization, Embedded Computation, Augmented Reality, Computer Vision, Feature detection, Medical image processing, and Facial recognition
– Information Technology and Computer Education:
Knowledge Management, Web Application, Web Service, Management Information System, Customer Relation Management, Ontology, Semantic Web and Enterprise Resource Planning, Software engineering and Computer Education
Important Dates(NCCIT)
Paper Submission for Review: January 31, 2014
Decision Notification: February 17, 2014
Camera Ready Version: March 3, 2014
Advanced Registration: March 5, 2014
Conference Format
The conference has two types of presentations: invited keynote
speakers and regular oral presentations. The proceedings of the
conference will be published and distributed in CD-contained format.
Paper Submission
Papers must be written inThai for NCCIT2014
and should describe original work in detail. Each regular
paper, according to instructions, must be accompanied by an
abstract summarizing the contribution it makes to the field.
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Submission of a
paper constitutes a commitment that, if accepted, one or more
authors will attend and participate in the conference. Electronic
submission in camera-ready format and author’s bibliography are
required. Please check information at http://www.nccit.net
Contact Information
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Phayung Meesad, NCCIT2014 Chair
Asst. Prof. Dr.Sirapat Boonkrong, NCCIT2014 Secretary
Faculty of Information Technology
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB)
Pracharat 1 Rd. Wongsawang, Bangsue Bangkok 10800.
Email: pym@kmutnb.ac.th; sirapatb@kmutnb.ac.th
Tel: +662 555 2000 ext. 2711, 2719, 2726; Fax: +662 555 2734